Cape to Cape: Godahoppsudden rundad och målet nått!

The view of the Cape was fantastic from above and so very different from the cape in Norway where this all started – here, it’s more like a dragon’s back or ridge, in contrast to the North Cape’s steep 1,000-foot drop to the sea below. (Photo above: Stefan Sundqvist)
After this quick tour of the Cape itself, I just enjoyed flying north, close to Table Mountain and Cape Town. I landed at Morningstar Airfield for a quick break and to adjust the timing – my tribute to Gösta Andrée was to land at Stellenbosch at precisely the same time he did back in 1929: 15.10.

Uppdaterat 151025
Idag bloggar Johan om och kring tre bilder som togs igår - läs inlägget And after the landing...