Ride On Sensation
Loleatta Holloway Love Sensation
...från 1980 från bli denna veckas fredagstreat. Kanske är Love Sensation en av historiens mest samplade låtar? Urmodern till en hel musikgenre? Det mest kända exemplet är Black Box Ride On Time från sommaren 1989. Från minnesordet över Loleatta Holloway i The Independent:
The Italian DJ-turned-producer Daniele Davoli certainly remembered it when, with Black Box, he used segments of "Love Sensation" to help create "Ride On Time", a UK No 1 and the best-selling single of 1989. "At the time, I thought Loleatta Holloway was dead," he later claimed about a subterfuge that saw Catherine Quinol, a model from Guadeloupe, lip-synching to Holloway's vocals when Black Box appeared on Top Of The Pops and numerous TV shows across Europe. However, Hartman and Holloway sued successfully and the singer received an undisclosed sum in damages.
When Marky Mark – Mark Wahlberg, before he launched his film career – and the Funky Bunch based the US chart-topper "Good Vibrations" on another of Holloway's memorable vocal hooks from "Love Sensation" in 1991, she duly received a credit and a share of the royalties, though her appearance in the video clip was more blink-and-miss-it.
Ride On, Ride On! Trevlig Helg! Hepp!